February 1997 E-Mail Newsletter
Volume 3 Number 2 Issue Number 16
Subscribers: 2050 lightworkers worldwide

Welcome to the Salem New Age Center’s monthly e-mail newsletter. Please assist our efforts by sharing this newsletter in e-mail or print with your friends. Feel free to post to mailing lists, newsgroups, and folders. This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter a community effort. - Andy Lutts, Editor


"Jump In To The Sea" - Chinese proverb

"Just Do It" - Nike


In This Issue

*** The Double-Helix Crop Circle
*** Rael, the Elohim and the Embassy
*** 10 Ways to Speed Things Up
*** Earth's All Star Team
*** Book Passage of the Month
*** The Big Stop Sign

----------promotional message-------------------------------------------
SPIRIT OF CHANGE MAGAZINE - 1997 Holistic Health Guide New England's largest free holistic bi-monthly magazine, is now accepting listings and display ads for the 1997 Holistic Health Guide for New England. 75,000 free copies will be distributed throughout New England on April 1. Over 100 categories are available. Time is running out. To advertise call Sosie Sagharian at 508-650-1474.


On June 17, 1996 (a 12 date) a spectacular crop circle was discovered in England. The formation looked strikingly similar to the blueprint for human DNA. The circle measured 648 feet long, with a double-helix type design. Kryon provides some clues as to what it all means.

Kryon: "The crop circle patterns are made by Spirit in an indirect manner, for they are made actually by the ones you will soon meet. It is all part of your coming of age into a new part of the galaxy. The entire reason it is being given to you is to allow you to discern information you are going to need in the future regarding communication.

These [crop circle] patterns in the grass are very much like receiving letters from relatives. Some of you will understand totally when we say, "First come the letters; then come the relatives." The patterns, therefore, are messages of symbols and mathematics from relatives to you personally.

One important code that is currently being transmitted in pattern after pattern is an important message about your planetary mathematics. All of your science and mathematics are surrounded now by what you call a BASE-10 system. It is convenient for you, and it is easy, for it allows quick calculation ability. But galactic math and math of Spirit is all BASE-12. This is information that is critical for you to know and begin to understand for you to communicate correctly with those who are coming."

From the article Patterns In The Fields by Geoffrey Hoppe, The Kryon Quarterly, Issue #3. Tel. 800-945-1286 or e-mail


Some time ago, we came across the story of Rael, the Elohim, and the embassy. It is an interesting tale. What is even more interesting is that on two occasions we have received information that essentially validates much of the information Rael has written about.

Those who have heard about the Raelian movement may already be familiar with some of their beliefs and ideas. In our opinion, their understanding of events in the past is essentially correct. Here is some introductory information about Rael and the Raelian movement. I expect that we will write more about this international group in the future. And I know we will hear more about the Elohim in the future. - Andy


In 1973, then French journalist, Rael was contacted by the Elohim. They asked him to make their final message known worldwide and to prepare an Embassy where they will officially land among us, bringing with them all the prophets as predicted by every religion.

Life on earth is a deliberate creation, using DNA, by an advanced race of human beings literally "in their image." Traces of this epic masterpiece can be found not only in the Bible, but in the ancient text of many cultures. The word Elohim in Genesis is a plural word which does not mean "God" in the singular but "those who came from the sky."

Leaving us to progress alone, the Elohim maintained contact via prophets such as Moses, Buddha, Mohammed, etc., deliberately chosen and educated by them to deliver the Message appropriate for each age. Jesus, whose father was one of the Elohim, was given the task of spreading these messages throughout the world in preparation for this crucial time in which we are now privileged to live - the predicted age of revelation. Now, thanks to our scientific understanding, we have the chance to comprehend our origins and the true nature of these "Gods," who created us and who love us as their children.

Rael has written four books. His first was called "The Message Given to Me By Extra-Terrestrials," and is the most well-known. It consists of messages that were dictated to him on the 13th of December 1973 by an Eloha (singular of Elohim) from another planet. The book includes some very interesting ideas and concepts.

One message given was that Jesus was born from the union of one of these extra-terrestrials and a "daughter of man" and his task was to spread the biblical messages in anticipation of the Age of Apocalypse. In 1945 humanity entered the Age of Apocalypse. The word 'apocalypse' comes from the Greek and means 'revelation'. This is the time when our scientific development allows us to understand the true origin of humanity. With this same level of technology we can also either destroy or liberate our world. This age of apocalypse has been anticipated by all religions.

The Elohim also met with Rael on the 7th of October 1975. They met in the Perigord region of central France. From here they took him in a craft to the planet where they live.

The Elohim showed Rael how they are able to use a person's DNA to rebuild their body, mind and personality after they have died. This allows people to live at their mental and physical peak indefinitely. The Elohim have used these techniques with many people from our Earth including the prophets of the past who will return when the embassy is built, as predicted in all the main religions.

Editor's Note: Although the Elohim are advanced, extra-terrestrial, revered, and sometimes mysterious, it is important to remember that they are human, just like us. United States Raelian Movement, PO Box 611793, North Miami, FL 33261



1) Ask. You must ask for assistance from those who would offer help to you (angels, guides, etc.). By asking you open the channel for communication and guidance.

2) Meditate. This is often the fastest way to spiritual growth.

3) Forgive. Most everyone needs to forgive someone for something (even oneself). When you forgive you release built up karma and other things that need to be released.

4) Bodywork. Get in tune with your body, your temple. Treat your body right and raise your vibration. This works in conjunction with everything else.

5) Teachers. Bring in your teachers. Let them know you are willing to do the work, and that you are ready to fulfill your mission.

6) Channel. Channel knowledge and wisdom from your higher self, spirit guides, gatekeepers and other who serve your highest good.

7) Now. Don't live in memories of the past, or dreamy visions of the future. Live in the moment, fully.

8) Manifest. Create your reality the way you want it to be. Clear out the old and create a vacuum from which new things can manifest in your life.

9) Allow. Allow things to unfold naturally. Let go. Have faith. Trust.

10) Bless. Bless each moment and every situation in its perfection.

11) Visualize. Picture white light coming down through your crown chakra into your body and filling your essence with clean, powerful loving energy.

12) Love. Unconditional love is a way to share the beauty within you with all those whose lives you touch. Bring love into a difficult situation and watch it transform positively.



Make no mistake about it. There are many here today who are here to assist mankind with the Ascension. In fact, a universal all-star team has been drafted to help earth! In a recent post on the internet appeared this fascinating list of those here offering spiritual guidance and assistance. Which one of these entities/groups do you resonate to?

Angelic Hierarchy
Arch Angel Michael
Ascended Master Djwhal Khul
Ashtar Command
Chohan of the Second Ray Lord Kuthumi
CHRIST Sananda
Cosmic CHRIST Lord Sai Baba
Cosmic evolution assistance team
Galactic Council
Great White Brotherhood/Sisterhood
her blessedness Mother Miriam
his holiness LORD METATRON
Isis League of ArchAngels and the Seven Guardian Pillars of LIGHT
Lord Guatama Buddha
Our planetary LOGOS
Sanat Kumara & Vywamus
Planetary Christ Lord Maitreya
Pleiadian Civilization
Project Ascension Earth team
Serapis Bey
Sirian Civilization
St. Germain
the GREAT MAHATMA energy
The Lady of the Sun
Quan Yin
Universal LOGOS Master Melchizedek


BOOK PASSAGE OF THE MONTH Conversations With God by Neale Donald Walsch

Introduction: Curious things happen when a book becomes very popular. Twice in recent times a metaphysical book appeared in print and became a highly acclaimed work and a big best-seller. This happened with The Celestine Prophecy by James Redfield and with Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.

But what is most interesting is the fact that these books, which were both initially published in paperback, were then bought by a big publisher and re-released in hardcover. I have a couple thoughts on this. Firstly, it is too bad that the higher-priced hardcover may make some people less likely to read these books. Secondly, if you have one of the original out-of-print paperback "first editions" of these two books, they may have collectable value. However, don't forget that the true value of any book lies in the wisdom contained within the book, and the message it has specifically for us. - Andy


"The Masters who have walked the planet are those who have discovered the secret of the relative world - and refused to acknowledge its reality. In short, masters are those who have chosen only love. In every instance. In every moment. In every circumstance. Even as they were being killed, they loved their murderers. Even as they were being persecuted, they loved their oppressors.

This example and this lesson has been laid out so clearly for you. Time and again, over and over has it been shown to you. Through all the ages and in every place. Through all lifetimes and in every moment. The universe has used every contrivance to place this Truth before you. In song and story, in poetry and dance, in words and in motion - in pictures of motion, which you call motion pictures, and in collections of words, which you call books.

From the highest mountain it has been shouted, in the lowest place its whisper has been heard. Through the corridors of all human experience has this Truth been echoed: Love is the answer. Yet you have not listened.…..

….. There are no coincidences in the universe.

I have heard the crying of your heart. I have seen the searching of your soul. I know how deeply you have desired the truth. In pain have you called out for it, and in joy. Unendingly you have beseeched me. Show Myself. Reveal Myself.

I am doing so here, in terms so plain, you cannot misunderstand. In language so simple, you cannot be confused. In vocabulary so common, you cannot get lost in the verbiage.

So go ahead now. Ask Me anything. Anything. I will contrive to bring you the answer. The whole universe will I use to do this. So be on the lookout. This book is far from My only tool. You may ask a question, then put this book down. But watch. Listen. The words to the next song you hear. The information in the next article you read. The story line in the next movie you watch. The chance utterance of the next person you meet. Or the whisper of the next river, the next ocean, the next breeze that caresses you ear - all these devices are Mine; all these avenues are open to Me. I will speak to you if you listen. I will come to you if you will invite me. I will show you then that I have always been there All ways.

From Conversations with God - An Uncommon Dialogue, by Neale Donald Walsch, pp57,58.


The Big Stop Sign by Andrew Lutts

My wife and I had been teaching our 2 year old son all about traffic signals, red lights green lights and stop signs. One recent sunny winter day out driving with my son I decided to drive into the nearby cemetery and go by our family burial plot. My son always likes going to the cemetery because there is a great big pond with lots of ducks.

I drove down the cemetery road, and slowed to a stop in front of the gravestone with my last name on it. I planned to spend a moment and pay my respects to my ancestors.

"Do you know why we stopped here?" I asked my son.

"Because of a stop sign?" He asked innocently.

"Well no," I laughed out loud. And then I thought a moment. "Well, Yes. You're right!" I told my son. He was more right than he knew.

The more I thought about it, the more I came to realize that this was the end of the road, the place where your ride on this world stops and you begin your next journey. This was it ….. the end of the line ….. until next time.

And with that simple and obvious realization also came the awareness that time is precious. That sooner or later we will all come to that big stop sign. And that as each moment, day, season and year passes, that stop sign gets a little closer.

So I also made a conscious decision to try to make every moment count, and fully appreciate the time I have here. To try to live in the moment, and not waste time on things that just don't matter. There are things that we all came here to do. We must remember what they are, and get to it.

We will all someday come to that big stop sign. But if we have lived our lives fully, completely and honestly, we will be more than ready to stop the car and get out.

----------promotional message-------------------------------------------
SWIM WITH DOLPHINS Join us aboard a 50' trimaran sailboat in the Bahamas for a sun-filled week of swimming and playing with dolphins in the wild. June and August trips are planned. For more info send e-mail to: or call 508-887-9708. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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Salem New Age Center Mission: Share important and timely new age and metaphysical information with all those who search for it.
end of newsletter - beginning of new age

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