June 1997 E-Mail Newsletter
Issue Number 19 - EXTRA

For those of us in the Northern Hemisphere, summertime is a great time to relax outdoors with a tall cool glass of lemonade and do some leisurely summer reading. One of our Australian readers was kind enough to send along an inspirational channeled story that makes for great summer reading. Feel free to print it out and take this story with you to read at your convenience. We hope you enjoy this special short story. - Andy



Chapter 1 Something is Different
Chapter 2 Dreaming
Chapter 3 The Hologram
Chapter 4 Loss of Fear
Chapter 5 A New Planetary Consciousness
Chapter 6 Accepting Love
Chapter 7 Opening up


All around the world people were waking up. Somewhere something had changed. They knew not what, but things were definitely different.

Sarah and Frank looked at each other as the brightness of the new day shone through the large easterly window in their shared bedroom. Everything seemed normal. The birds were singing outside in the trees. The day appeared bright and sunny, if a little chilly, yet there was something different.

The children heard their parents in the next room stirring, and gingerly crept into the room rubbing their eyes.

Sarah had had a dream last night that she was somewhere else, far, far away. She had been flying over large crystal castles of a myriad shapes and colours. She had seen herself in flowing robes. She felt she was far older than the ten years she represented as Sarah Jane Forbes.

So much time seemed to have passed in her dream, she pondered that it felt like an eternity. Was it really only one night? Something did seem different this morning.

She looked over at Frank who was sleepily rubbing his eyes. She suddenly remembered Frank being in her dream with her. Could he really have been?

Mum and Dad were awake now. Dad turned on the radio to hear the news. Out of the speakers came the familiar voice of the news announcer. But somehow it seemed different. His voice this morning seemed cheerier. He seemed to have more of a sparkle to his words.

He churned out the same dreary bad news - someone murdered in a downtown subway, a crash on the stock market, a loss in the latest football game. Yet somehow none of it seemed real! There was something quite unrealistic about it all. It didn't seem to be registering. Even Mum seemed to notice it.

Sarah felt a drumming in her ears and knew that she was slipping away. She couldn't really focus on what was happening about her, because she felt a 'shift' in her focus. Even her brother, Frank, two years her junior, seemed to be feeling something.

She stared out the window, half expecting to see a stranger coming to the door. She knew that things were about to happen.

She walked to the front door and opened it. There in front of her stood a stranger. This was no ordinary stranger. He was tall and beautiful to look at. In fact he seemed to glow. His eyes shone like lights. He was totally clad in a silver outfit, covering all his body with the exception of his hands and head. On his feet was a pair of silver boots which seemed tight fitted and made of the same sort of soft material as his outfit.

Before Sarah could open her mouth, she realised that what she had dreamed the night before was no dream. Parts of her dream came flooding back to her.

She remembered seeing the stranger in her dream. He had come to her and they had talked for a long time about the new realities being birthed on the planet. Sarah had felt at the time that she had an adult understanding of life, and that she knew she had some purpose here on earth. She felt that she was here to help others in some way. She knew at the time she was dreaming that she had understood what was happening.

Now she suddenly had a very strong remembrance that this was what the stranger had come for. He had come to help her prepare, in full consciousness, for the task at hand.

A feeling of immense love and acceptance radiated from Sarah as she invited the stranger in. He seemed to know her thoughts and there was no sense of unease as she welcomed him into the home of her family.

Frank stood by with wide-opened eyes, as Mum and Dad wandered into the room in a half-daze.

Sarah introduced her new 'friend' as a guide who had come to show them how to integrate the feelings they all seemed to feel, into their lives.

Somehow Sarah had no doubts at all, that their future was assured in the hands of her own feelings, and now in the presence of this new friend.


As they talked, Sarah was recalling more and more of her dream.

She had been flying. She knew that, because she had felt the sensation so clearly. Nothing could convince her otherwise.

She felt the stirrings of knowings fill her as she remembered the ships landing and the whole planet stir with a new awakening. The night before she had heard the music of the spheres, as the earth herself, had responded to the arrival of the ships landing.

She had seen the mass landing appearing at different points all over the globe. It was like a million lights had been turned on, as at each point of landing, the earth suddenly lit up with a light of such brilliance that the colours seemed so pure and iridescent.

She had been talking with the stranger who now sat in the room with her and her family. She remembered watching many others, dressed similarly, walking from the ships and meeting numerous others from around the world, in their light bodies. She knew now that these others had also been asleep in their physical bodies at the time.

The fear that would normally have arisen from a situation of this kind, had not been present. Because they were meeting together on a soul level, the ego had no place. It was ego, she now realised, which caused fear to rise and mass panic in people.

She knew that in a dream state, people had no ego, so it was far more judicious for this meeting to happen in a dream state, before it had to happen in the physical. This way, people were aware of it on a soul level, and had already met, so things were not quite so strange, and the chance of panic on a large scale was less likely.

Sarah was remembering her dream so clearly. She felt her new friend had something to do with it. His presence was like a magnet, as he drew out her thoughts and dreams from the night before.

The thing that had caused the most sensation within Sarah, was her remembering. She seemed to be remembering so much - not just of her dream, but of lives she felt she had lived before.

She saw her past lifetimes float before her, and the seemingly important aspects seemed to come full force towards her. She saw things she had failed to do in a lifetime as a parson of a church, and knew that the following life she had chosen to become a prisoner, so she could experience the impact of feeling locked in - a remedy for locking in information, which she should have given to those whose trust she had held.

She also saw a lifetime as a teacher, showing others how to come to terms with new aspects of ideas on philosophical subjects. She knew that this life had a great bearing on her present one, where she would be showing others how to cope with a new level of consciousness, as the planet unfolded in its awakening.

So many things seemed to happen to her as she sat in her lounge room with the stranger.

It seemed that words were not needed in the understanding that flowed between them. Sarah was being given information as to what was happening now. The ships had indeed landed and as people were awakening, life seemed different for everybody who was aware enough to raise their vibrations a little higher.


Frank stirred in the corner of the room, as he cleared his throat. His first question of the stranger was, "What is going to happen to us now?"

The stranger turned his sparkling eyes towards Frank and replied in a voice which was more like lilting music:

"The earth has shifted into a hologram. There are millions of beings come to help the planet at this time, and they are at present forming a hologram with their instruments and technology, to give the impression of 'normality' until more people on the planet can accept our presence.

"The whole of the universe has moved on through the photon light. It is a light of particles which form part of what you know of, as the milky way. This photon band of light has had an effect on this universe. It has caused great energies to rush into the ionosphere, and caused a quickening of the atmosphere around the planets.

"Earth, or Gaia as it is known to us, it presently shifting in its consciousness, as the planet herself comes into a higher vibration. It was known, from the beginning of the planet's inception, that this would some day occur. That time has now come. It has been long awaited, and much looked forward to, by the Spiritual Hierarchy and those of the higher Spiritual Realms.

We, those of other planetary systems, have come to assist the earth in this transition to a new age of awareness upon the planet. We are overjoyed that the time we, and many others have awaited for, has at last arrived."

"But what IS the hologram?" asked Frank, still open-eyed and naturally curious.

"The hologram is like a video which people are living in. It has been created to give comfort and familiarity to people whose belief systems are not yet open to our existence, or our presence, until such time as they can be gently guided into the awakening that we are here, and that we come to help them," said the stranger.

"We are presently preparing underground bases", continued the stranger, "to help these people feel totally at home, while changes are being made to clean up the planet in preparation for a purification of her whole surface.

"We have great technologies which can neutralise the poisons and chemicals which you people of earth, in your own ignorance, have spilled into the ground and allowed into the atmosphere. If these poisons are not stopped," said our friend, "it will cause not only the planet and its surrounding atmosphere to be affected, but also other entities existing in other dimensions. The earth will become polluted, for perhaps thousands of years to come, and cause many malformations to the natural forms on the planet."

"But how does a hologram work?" continued the curious Frank.

"Do you know how visual reality works?" asked the stranger.

"Yes," said Frank. "You have gloves and pads and things to cover your chest and a helmet to cover your head, and when you view the video screen, you can actually touch the computerised objects and see, hear and feel all the sensations with the gloves and other things on," said the boy, quite proud of his expertise in this subject.

"Well", said the stranger, "your body is like the padding when you are looking at a visual screen. But your body is a full outfit. So you get to feel, see, smell and live in the visual reality world. It is a total immersion in the visual world, and you get to forget totally that you are really just acting a part.

"A hologram is like a visual reality. It is like you exist in the video world. You totally forget you are anything other than what you see, hear, feel or touch. You become that world.

"All of mankind has been living in his own particular type of hologram. He has forgotten who he really is. Mankind has a lot of wakening up to do, and that is why we are here. We have come to help you people of earth wake up to your true beginnings. We want you to see what much of your history has really been.

"Another reason we have come, is to help you see that life does not stop at what you perceive as so-called death. We are trying to help you realise the continuation of life, and its total journey through many lifetimes as a soul.

"Once you see this, you will realise that fear just has no place in an awakened world."


The stranger apologised suddenly. He realised he had not introduced himself formally to Sarah's parents.

"I am called Altar", he said. "It is time to go", he said by way of apology to Sarah's parents. He motioned to Sarah to come towards the door with him, and together they left. Sarah's family watched her go with awe and wonder. They said not a word.

They walked slowly out into the street.

Altar and Sarah were now looking to find others that were 'stuck' in a fear based emotion, that they were having difficulty removing, and help them to come to an awakening of what was happening.

Sarah knew that she had a special power to help others. This had been demonstrated throughout her childhood. She had always felt 'different'. There were times she felt she didn't belong. Now suddenly she felt she had found her true 'niche' at last. She walked gladly side by side with the stranger, her heart still pounding with the joy she had felt on seeing him on her doorstep.

As they walked, they saw many people looking uncomfortable and unsure. Sarah began asking Altar why these people didn't feel the special joy she had felt this morning.

"These people have not yet learned to face all the uncomfortable and more negative feelings within themselves", he said. "They have not yet awoken, and that is why they are being protected by the hologram. They feel something different but they cannot face the fears they feel deep inside them. Come," said Altar leading her towards a small group of sad faced people.

Sarah noticed as they approached, that the children in the group seemed almost petrified. She knew enough not to ask. She gently laid her hand on a young boy's arm, and showed her concern. He responded by bursting into tears. She put her arms around him and just stood there holding him.

"I'm so afraid", he said. "I woke up this morning and everything seems to have hit me at once", he continued. "I don't know what's wrong, and I'm so scared. I can't really understand why." He looked at Sarah, then straight into the eyes of Altar.

Altar gave the boy the most loving smile, and the boy's astonishment seemed to melt his fear. His hair stood on end, as he realised Altar was not a normal person. This was strange. He understood that something was not right here.

Because it was only a small group, with Sarah walking at his side, the people began to wonder at her ease in the presence of this stranger. In fact, their shock at his presence was such, that they forgot their unease, and their fears seemed to subside, as they listened to what he had to say.

As Altar's words unfolded, the people in the small group, became more and more excited by his presence. On hearing that there were many others here to help them also, they forgot their worries, and their fears seemed to dissipate. They left their homes behind, and followed Sarah and Altar further on down the street. They somehow felt no more need of the security that their homes had once provided. The sureness they now felt came from a special knowing within themselves. Maybe it was the dream they had had the night before?

Others came up to them, curious, yet strangely not frightened, by the presence of the stranger in their midst. As they walked, Altar was talking in his melodious voice, which seemed to hold everyone in respectful awe and stunned silence.

As they listened, many in the group, began exclaiming that this was just what they'd thought, but the fears of society had dictated to them, and held them back from their true feelings.

Questions began to rise in their minds - questions which shook them to the very core of their existence.

If there was no death, and life continued on, then why hold on to life so fearfully? If there was an abundant universe, why fear poverty, starvation and lack? If there was so much help available from space brothers with a higher technology, who were willing to help us achieve a higher state, what was there to fear, when all we had to do was ask? Is that really what prayer was? What about religion? Where did it fit in? What about the government? What part did it play?

These and many other questions were arising in the minds of the people following Altar and Sarah as they traveled on down the road and into further territory.

A new planetary consciousness of awakening was just beginning to unfold.


As the party merged with others, who were also travelling along in similar groups, joy seemed to fill their hearts, as they realised they were not alone. There were many who had journeyed along the path they had followed, each in their own little groups.

People did not revere the strangers who now talked among them, but accepted them as equals. After all, they were beginning to understand that they were their brothers - they had shared the same ancestry many, many eons ago.

Mankind of earth had simply gone along a different path. - a slower path, which had taken him into a more polarised destiny, a destiny which had now turned, and which was now leading him on his path to fully awakened consciousness.

The feelings that he had held in his emotional body, of regret, fear, deep ingrained guilt, jealousy, and grief, were now dissipating. In their place, he found an awakening of love and acceptance, like a flower blooming into its own, coming into his own knowings of who he really was, and his purpose of life on this earth.

He began to see the importance of learning life's lessons. He began to see how he had chosen his present existence for the learning he needed. He began to see that he had come into physical embodiment at this time, because it was such an important time in the planet's history - a time of great awakening for all of mankind.

The people of earth accepted, very gradually, the changes that occurred on the planet. They accepted total responsibility for what they had done to the planet, and were eager to heal it of its devastation and pollution.

The space beings took all those who were interested, to their ships, and taught them the technology they themselves possessed. Mankind became an enlightened being, almost overnight.

There always be some who would not, and could not, accept the presence of the space visitors. These people lived in their oblivion till the end of their days, where they mercifully passed into the spirit dimension, and slowly learned their mistake.

The love that was prevalent now throughout the planet would not prevent these beings from being accepted and loved for just who they were, and it was allowed for them to learn their own lessons in their own time.

The planetary consciousness was still one of polarity. But whereas the planet had held lower vibrations, with more polarised emotions, now with the higher vibration of the planet, the lower vibrations could not exist. The worst a person could do was very minor in comparison to the evil ways that had existed before. With the higher vibrations, the lower entities just could not enter the planet, and it remained of a higher resonance, which was held high by the love vibrations now surrounding the planet.

The greatest thing that had happened to the planet was a total acceptance of love.


Love was the essence of life that now existed on planet earth.

The news media now were broadcasting "Good News" in every sphere of the planet. It became a wonderful and joyous place to be, and laughter rang from every home.

Those in the physical were now aware of those who had passed on into spirit, and felt great love for them. There was a sharing of joy and a delight was taken in just simply giving for the sake of giving.

Many years had past since Sarah had walked the street that day with her newfound friend.

Sarah had grown into a beautiful woman. She was now of such an age that many young men cast their eye towards her.

She had fulfilled her mission on earth, and was now so in possession of her own feelings, that she knew she would not pass on from this life until she so desired. She had ascended into a lighter body, which was almost etherical in nature. Only those of like mind were attracted to this beautiful soul. She was indeed a light to the planet.

In learning of love and acceptance, she had become a great example to many. She had lived as she believed and many had followed her path towards a greater understanding.

The day she had walked the street with Altar had been a wonderful day. Many remembered the little girl who stood proudly by the stranger as he gave advice to many perplexed souls. She had showed great empathy and understanding to those around. She had seemed to just know things.

This young woman was now in the process of learning about love. But it was another kind of love. An earthly love now possessed her as she felt her feelings stir for a certain young man who had become a great friend to her.

Somehow the years rolled back to when she was again a young girl. She had known this love before. It had been many years now, but it stirred a strange remembrance in her.

The twitching she felt in her heart made her wonder why she had not felt this feeling before. Was this love?

A troubled feeling overcame her. She could not accept this as love when all these years she had known that love was accepting and giving of oneself. Why then did this feeling feel different?

Sarah put down the book she was holding, and began to ponder on her strange new feelings. She felt no animosity towards this young man, yet part of her felt such a strong stirring, it almost repulsed her. She knew that it was something she had not felt before. It had caused her unease because it almost felt uncontrollable, and Sarah had always felt in control of her life - ever since Altar had come into her life.

She wept silently as the feelings of unknown passion engulfed her. She silently called for Altar to help her. Surely, if he could read her feelings, he must know what she was feeling now and be able to help her.

She closed her eyes in prayer. Silence seemed to encompass her. After a few minutes, she felt someone nearby, and opened her eyes. There, in front of her stood Altar. He was now even more beautiful than she remembered, and the kindness in his eyes filled her with love and hope.

She exclaimed to him, "why do I have this strong stirring I can't control? I know it is not the love that I was taught to accept, yet I feel it is connected somehow, and it fills me with unease. I can't seem to control it," she wept as she finished.

Altar looked tenderly on, knowing what she was feeling.

"Sarah, my dear," he said. "What you are feeling is a bonding of love between a man and a woman. It is a natural feeling, and one which is deepened through the years. Do not despair my child," he continued, "this feeling is part of the emotions which a physical body passes through on its way to maturity. Do not let it disturb you. You are learning a new aspect of love and acceptance."

Sarah looked up into those kind and tender eyes. She seemed to understand what Altar was thinking, and calmness overcame her again. She felt within the depth of her knowing that Alter had indeed touched on the truth. She made up her mind not to let the stirrings worry her. She would do something about it. She would confront her emotions head on, by seeking the company of the young man himself.

She was now opening up to the richness that love in a physical form brings - a love that, when truly given and truly reciprocated, can only know.


The time had finally arrived. Life had taken on a new turn.

People everywhere seemed to be so enlightened, that they were almost floating. The feelings of enlightenment were everywhere.

Sarah had faced her emotions full on, and they had indeed blossomed. She now felt more love and acceptance than she ever had before.

She knew that within her body she now carried a new life form. This new life form had communicated with her prior to coming into the embryo that she now carried in her womb.

Each day she spent some quiet time, mentally talking to and listening to the soul of the new little form which was now inside her. It was agreed upon the type of life the new child would have.

All this was known prior to the birth, as each child born on earth now, had a higher consciousness, as only those few who had chosen this form could incarnate upon the new planet of Gaia.

Everywhere people were rejoicing.

People were open to knowledge that had been brought from the beginnings of time. The space brothers had brought a lot of information, but this was but a beginning to the awakening of planetary consciousness.

Once people had understood their own selves, life had taken on a new meaning.

Dreams were an important part of daily life now. They were lessons in understanding the path people were on, and if any lessons needed to be learned, more often than not, it was through dreams that these lessons were learned. Dreams merged with daily lives now, and were accepted as a greater level of understanding the self.

Sarah had had many dreams of communicating with her unborn child, and her understanding was that the child she would bring into the world would be a great teacher and master. There would be much to learn from the child, as she was indeed learning now.

Could those in times past, really have thought they could teach their children? Well, it was the children who now taught their parents. These wise little masters were a great inspiration and great influence towards the lightening of the planet.

Because the little ones came into existence with full knowledge of who they were, they assisted those who were still closed in any way at all, to open up more to the path they had chosen and to the knowledge which they had deep within themselves.

Even the spirit world was raised in consciousness now. Those who had been so closed in their minds, were truly becoming more enlightened, as both angels and space beings assisted any and all who wished to learn. The planet just could not contain souls any longer who were lagged, or who held up her own lifting into a higher dimension.

Light and knowledge had truly engulfed the planet, and it now had become an enlightened being in its own right. Those who lived upon it were bringing more and more light into the planet.

It had become a star in the heavens, and those who had assisted in this wonderful transition were now rejoicing in their hearts, as with love unbounded, they sang to the joy of the new day.

Sarah felt the young child in her womb stir, and knew that this was indeed just the beginning for an even greater awakening.


Copyright 1997 - Chris Hamilton


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