
Welcome to the second issue of the Salem New Age Center's new monthly internet e-mail newsletter. With the help of Spirit, our first issue was successfully distributed to 50 people. This issue is being sent to about 150 lightworkers worldwide! Please assist our effort by sharing this by e-mail and print with your friends. We hope to send the January '96 issue to over 300 people worldwide. Our goal is to use this on-line medium to help link-up thousands of like-minded individuals the world over.

This newsletter will be sent monthly, free of charge, to all who ask for it. Your written contributions are welcome to help make this newsletter an internet community effort! Thanks to your help, this entire issue is made up from written contributions from our readers. Andy Lutts, Editor



1) EarthLink Update: Big Stargate Opening

Wednesday: December 20, 1995 - Chandara

2) World Prayer Day: December 22, 1995 - Don Orne

3) Cosmic Vibrations - Persus Laja Ensor

4) E.T. Origins - Excerpts of Merlin channeled through Mataare

5) The Real Role of the Lightworker



Primary Coordination Point: Old Burial Ground, Marblehead, MA


DETAILS ABOUT THE STARGATE channeled through Chandara 12/1/95

The specific location of the stargate opening is of not of importance in

regards to the people on the surface of the planet who want to do this work.

All global points can be activated by intention. Connect and ground to the

crystalline core of the Earth, and the etheric grid above the Earth. Once

the energies have been brought into the core they are disseminated by others

connected to the core, and they are the antennas that help distribute the

energy. It is the conscious intention of participation that brings through the

alignment. The intention is of great significance. It is through the

intention that the rods or beams of light will come from the planet though

the core to the outer dimensions. There are millions of entities in the

etheric realms to assist you with this. Try to connect with the groups in

Europe and South America who need to be involved with this.

The internet is the best way to distribute this information to those who

need it. We are moving into a new age of peace and awareness.

This is a grid connection of the seventh dimension. This will help people integrate the

merkabah and photon energies. Once this knowledge is attained it allows

those to access the cellular memory banks of the human field and the body so

that you can then rise further and quicker in your attainment of higher and

higher awareness. The truths of one God one religion will come

forth and be coordinated after the energies of this opening have

settled into the Grids and Core of the Earth.

As more and more of the higher frequencies are brought into the Earth and

into the waters of the Earth, the water and rain cycles distribute the

frequencies into the food and animal chains, and accelerate the mass

consciousness shift. It is for Earth's past to return to her former state, to her original

intention, which was to be the Garden of Eden, a place of instant

manifestation, of harmony and bliss., A place where all factions within the universe

could reside and coincide in one place, with the Source's love and in the purest

alignment. This is the past for which all of you on the surface at this time

have come... to return to the original blueprint of your planet and you being,

your soul, and your that all can be rebalanced and

reharmonized. The Earth is key. It is through the success of this

experiment, that it (the experiment) can be replicated and brought forward to other planetary systems. There is no turning back. For those who have chosen this path, it

is clear, and you are aware of your mission. There are no coincidences. You

are all together, in this purpose, as one.

Two days after the December 20 stargate opening, these energies will be

available to the masses and groups of consciousness. People will find a new

holiday spirit of bliss, joy, and gratitude. These are most blessed times,

and all who participate are blessed. We are very thankful for this participation.

We are the Galactic Council members with which the Twelfth High Council,

Ancient of Days, and other councils of the celestial realm are




Welcome To EarthLink...Global community of Earthworkers to assist

with Earth Energy Alignments to the Cosmos and

beyond. We welcome all participants who are drawn to this etheric

work. It is a blessing and a gift to participate in these energetic

alignments blessed by Source and in conjunction with many of the

High Councils of the Celestial Realms. This is the first time that

coordinated group global consciousness will be used to align these

energies returning to Earth. There are over 144 Light stations

globally who will be aligned for this work on December 20.

Group participation helps to disperse and ground these energies

into the Earth's surface and core, and allows the energies to

resonate in a balanced harmonious manner. The following is a simple

meditation which you can follow in order to assist in this work:

Your participation can take any amount of time you wish, from a few

moments, to a long meditation session. It is truly up to you. It is

your intention and willingness and participation which are important.

The fact that you have connected to EarthLink shows that you KNOW on

a deep level, that you are to do this.

We have been asked how people can participate in this event.

There are many ways to participate, from single moment of silence and

intentional connection, to performing a ceremony and being in a group

of Earthworkers who will connect and work with these energies.

If alone and at work during this time, it may be helpful to find a quiet

space where you can "go within" for a few moments and meditate.

The intention is most important. The exact words are not required,

but below is a "sample" of what one might say.

"I/We ask for the highest guidance available to me/us at this time to

align and assist me/us. I/we connect and bring forth the inter-stellar

energies of this

Stargate..…to restore this connection to the Earth.

I/we ask to ground these energies into the Earth's crystalline

core, and the Group Consciousness Grid which surrounds the planet...

to balance and harmonize these planetary shifts with ease and grace,

for the good of all, harm of none. In the name of I AM...( or who

ever you are drawn to). I AM ( your name). "

When preparing for this work it is important to connect your

consciousness, and "ground" your feet into the Earth's Crystalline core.

The etheric earth has a crystalline core, which looks much like an Austrian

crystal ball... If you can imagine being inside the crystal ball looking

out through that 8

sided crystalline structure, it would radiate iridescent light... sparkling

with millions of rainbows. In connecting to the Core in this manner, you are

connecting to Source, and the Consciousness of the Earth.

The second connection is to connect to the Planetary Ascension Grid,

a crystalline matrix grid which surrounds Earth's 7th auric layer.

This is the group consciousness grid, and we are restoring the

"puzzle pieces" into their proper places by re-connecting with each

other. Each soul of the Earth is connected to this grid, and when we

meet and greet each other on a Soul level, and recognize and honor our

greater selves, the pieces are re-connected, and "fall into place".

The way that you can connect is by simply intentioning you

consciousness. in the following manner.

"I ask to connect to the Crystalline Core of the earth. I vision

energy coming out of my right foot and connecting down through the

layers of the earth to the Crystalline Core. I then ask to draw up

the Earth's perfection energy from the Core back through the earth,

and into my left foot... then up through my body...Circulating

through my body. I can transmute all energies which I no longer

need in my body and field by sending them back to the Earth's core.

The energies go out through my right foot, and into Mother Earth,

who willingly accepts them and transmutes them into pure light. The

pure energies are drawn up through the earth and into my left

foot and connect in a circular energy flow through my body.

Then I connect the energies of the Earth to my crown chakra.

I ask to connect the energy into my hands and arms by visioning the

energies going first, out through my right arm... and connecting into

the Planetary Ascension grid. I feel the Golden Light of this

connection. Then I ask to connect the energies of this grid back to

the Earth through my left palm, and through my arms. This makes a 4

pointed connection of hands and feet.. and then Crown and root chakra

into the Earth. A perfect 6 pointed being of light."

You can now begin the visualizations and intentioning of grounding the

Stargate energies. The process of connecting does not take more than

a moment, once you are used to doing it. You can use this

connection for deep meditations, always... not just Stargate


We would like any feedback, experiences, and comments which you are

drawn to send to us, once this mission has completed. Please know

that the energies begin to spin up and oscillate 12 days prior to

the Stargate Opening, and for 12 days after it has opened. Be open,

yourselves, to experience the shifts with ease and grace in a

balanced and harmonious manner...

Blessings and Peace to you all....Chandara

E-mail Chandara:

Tel. 508-927-3413

Chandara web page:




A Day of Spiritual Celebration

by Don Orne

Who: All lightworkers and friends

What: A full day just for Spirit - a sacred day for lightworkers on the Winter Solstice. A day for prayer, meditation, song, toning, and dance.

When: December 22, 1995 from sunrise to sunset

Where: Worldwide. This is a global celebration for all people on all continents.

Why: This full planetary lightworker event will raise our own vibrations and those of our planet to full preparation for ascension.

How: Through a global mind link. We will inform people of the event and ask for their intentions to be projected on a spiritual plane. News of the World Prayer Day will be communicated through newsletters, e-mail, newsgroups, word-of mouth, lightworker databases and the media.

What You Can Do.....

  1. Secure a sacred space for December 22, 1995
  2. Gather your core groups and network this event
  3. Plan a program with your favorite group, get input, and implement ideas
  4. Run a small listing in a local paper about the program
  5. Get the word out through your local cable TV and the media
  6. Prepare yourself by raising your vibration through prayer and meditation, visualization, affirmations, toning, chanting, using sage, etc.
  7. Cherish yourself - put love in all you do
  8. Link up with as many other groups as possible to strengthen the heart connection
  9. Most of all......enjoy, have fun, listen to your heart and pray for the rising of the Earth's population vibrational rate before December 1996

Last year some groups did the following:

Used walking mandallas, healing tables, musical numbers, invocations, played John Lennon's Imagine, used bells, chimes, drums, gongs, dolphin sounds, heartbeat, held hands encircling a lighthouse, read spiritual passages, affirmations, and more

Thank you for helping to create positive spiritual energy
Please copy, post and distribute freely

World Prayer Day manifested through Don Orne, PO Box 225, Marblehead, MA 01945



by Persis Laja Ensor

History, as we know it, invokes fears, sadness, extraordinary knowledge,

beauty, loss, diversity and excitement. I wish to take you back to the true

beginning of time, the seed core of existence that formed the Universes. We

will then journey to the future of time, and back to all time, that is now.

The beginning has always been. All life forms, all solar systems and all

heavenly bodies were formed at the same time. All souls were formed at the

same time. It is our own third dimensional mind that tries to put

progressive order to the chaos.

Some souls incarnated onto the earth plane, some into the angelic realm,

others studied under various teachers in the Universe. All were exploring

diverse aspects of life in the Universe.

Each life form has a different vibration. A rock, a human, a planet, a

whale. Each vibrating in harmony or out of harmony with the Cosmic Vibration

of The Source. Initially, all vibrated as one vibration. Then as each life

form chose to move through its own journey, that life form changed its

vibration from the one.

Light Beings on this earth are attempting to return to the vibration of one.

Through life patterns, both in this lifetime and other lifetimes, we create

vibrations that are out of balance with the Cosmic Vibration.

There are many distractions from aliening to the Cosmic Vibration. I will

attempt to clarify some of these distractions.

The emotions of humanity have served to enhance a quality of excitement that

is only received when there is danger. Many veterans returning from the

wars know well the lack of excitement in everyday life, after being "on the

edge" in the front line. Danger, fear, darkness and ghost stories all send a

chill down the spine. The chill is the unknown, the unspoken, the

imagination's glory.

Stop for a moment and feel into the thought - we have no thoughts. Thoughts

are Cosmic Vibrations outside our energy field that enter our field as we

come into harmony with a particular vibration. This is why people in

different places on the earth receive an identical thought. By the way,

these thought vibrations are not in one language. They are simultaneously

present in all the languages of the Universe. The cure to Aids will present

itself in at least three different locations around the globe, yet only one

will get the credit.

So Dear Ones, one of the greatest distractions of aliening to the Cosmic

Vibration is the ego's thoughts. When you clear away the chatter of your own

voices, your parents voices and your television voices, you are able to

connect directly to The One Voice, the Cosmic Vibration.

There have been studies with groups of people sending a thought to other

groups of people many hundreds of miles away. The only way to receive this

sent thought is to clear the mind and not to try and figure out what they are

to receive. The first group has the intent of a thought and project this

intent on the second group. This has also been done by sending visual images

as well.

When you can realize that all thought and all sound is already present, and

you only energize a particular thought or sound, then you can begin to know

thought instead of thinking thought.

As each of you walk through life, you receive different vibrations from your

surroundings. Some of these vibrations feel good, like falling in love.

This means that you both vibrate at the same intensity in that moment. The

trick is to stay at that vibration for long enough to have a satisfactory

relationship, such as marriage. When one of the two partners changes their

vibration and the other one does not change with them, the dissonance begins.

Realize that in the current reality, relationships are moving through the

different vibrations very rapidly. People are drawn together to receive the

messages from each other. When these messages are received, many times these

two people never see each other again. They move on to receive messages from

others. This is not wrong. It is the way it is!

As the Light Beings of the earth accept the rapid movement that is currently

being felt, they seem to be giving up commitments. Pay attention to that

which is true to your own vibration and honor that commitment. As Light

Beings, you are not to be irresponsible, leave a job, marriage or home, and

move to Sedona, unless your job is to heal Sedona and her pain felt from the

underground construction.

Know well your own connection to the Cosmic Vibration. Dowse with your ESP

and seek to secure a free pass on the next Cosmic Ray Rail Passenger Train.

Shamala Irridata Kafayano. Masshaya Irriamona.

May your future be filled with enlightening Cosmic Vibrations.

Persis Laja Ensor is a Sound Therapist, Spiritual Healer and Master Musician.

She works in Heartland, Vermont and travels throughout the US and Canada

giving workshops, balancing and clearing the earth and environments, and

seeing private clients.

E-mail: or

Call her at (802) 436-3333.



Date: October 6, 1995

Place: The Healing Center, Arlington Massachusetts

Full Trance Channel: Xiota Lahmpsa Mataare

Entity Coming Through: The Merlin, also known as Ambrosia (one of Merlin's most famous incarnations was with King Arthur)

Number of People in Attendance: approximately 70

Recorder / Writer of this Transcription: Andrew Lutts, Salem New Age Center

Note: I have done my best to accurately transcribe this information brought forth during this event. However, Merlin often speaks quickly and excitedly, thus this transcription may contain some misinterpretations. However, I have attempted to portray the full, true meaning of his communication.


Merlin: " You are not alone in this world, in any respect. You have each other, you have the spirit, you have the source, and you also have your intergalactic family. This is not new. This did not begin in 1945 (with the use of nuclear power).

There is not a single intelligent life form that has not gone beyond the border of the planet they are on until they have found a way to live peacefully amongst themselves. It did not happen this way here on Earth. This is very disturbing. This does not happen this way. Usually, civilizations destroy themselves first, or they don't evolve enough.

You are the subject of a great experiment. A very powerful experiment. The Earth is in the outer perimeter of the universe. The universe is expanding, although it does have a definite limit. It is still being created.

The most advanced extraterrestrial beings you will meet do not come here in spaceships. Some of them inhabit your world already. There are many that do come in ships, a great many. They will cause quite a stir, probably in about 10 years or so.

The oldest beings that first existed in this universe are no longer here. There is nothing in this universe that could support their evolution, so they left, on to bigger and better things.


The oldest remaining beings in our universe originated about halfway out from the center of our universe. This is where most of the life is. One of the groups looked around and decided that if they wanted to propagate their species, it would be better to do it outside their established area. So they looked around, secretly, in the outer perimeter of the universe, and found Earth.

By the way, these people halfway out from the center of the universe are human. They are human beings, although they are quite different. They are very respected by other beings in the universe, and the beings around them. After trying to propagate their species in the area of the universe around them, they looked for an area with less interference.

The name given to these non-Earth humans by the ancient Hebrews is the name Elohim, which means "those who came from the sky."

This group of human beings is one of the most advanced group of beings in the universe. They are responsible for the generation of not only life on this planet, but of human beings on this planet. They have been involved ever since the first human was here, in a kind of genetic manipulation, so that the human beings here could result in the capacity of human beings to survive better in the physical universe.

This group of human beings is very advanced, and they have advanced to a point where they believe they have proven that there is no spiritual directive as we know it, with a conscious God. They believe that they are the result of wiser beings who have created them, just as they have created others. They feel this way because life is eternal, and has always existed. However, the concept of infinity and no beginning is difficult for earth humans to understand.

At a certain point the Earth humans created a kind of evolution which was spurned by this group. By the way, they have started life here on Earth several times before, and all the previous attempts have failed.

Throughout history, the Elohim have come to Earth. They came to Earth at different times, to different cultures, and they heavily influenced these cultures throughout history. They were thought to be the Gods and spirits and so forth of the many religions which exist today. The Elohim heavily influenced these religions along a moral structure to help the people of this Earth survive successfully and viably. Therefore, when this didn't work, it became political influence to help establish order. Still, to this day, the Elohim are involved in Earthly matters.

They have manipulated Earth humans and have created Earth humans with a larger brain capacity, with the hopes that the Earth humans would have superior intelligence and that they would be able to continue the species. However, the full brain capacity is not yet fully used.

Back on the Elohim planetary system, they conducted a kind of contest. They invited scientists (artists, sort of) to participate. A certain scientist won the contest. Many worlds were populated with humans as a result. However, there are only three worlds populated with humans left today. The Elohim, the Earth, and the star system known as the Pleiades.

Some Earth humans have had their first incarnations as Pleiadians. The Pleiadians are a very spiritual group of people. This contrasts with the Elohim.


The name of the scientist who won the contest to introduce human life on Earth was named Yahweh. A human being, just like you, but a little different. This is not to say that there is no spiritual reality, because there is. One of the different functions of your greater brain capacity was that which enables you to become cognizant of a non-physical spiritual reality. They had no idea that the greater brain capacity would create a sort of quantum leap, so to say, in the way consciousness functions. And this enables you to experience a spiritual reality, which was undefinable to the Elohim, so to speak.

This will later be a revolution to the Elohim. As you become a people who are better able to understand spiritual reality you will be able to relay it the Elohim.

The spiritual reality became confused. As Earth humans evolved and came to be aware of a spiritual reality, the Elohim stepped in and said, "We are they," so that they could guide humans.

This is nothing new. This has happened over and over throughout time, with more advanced beings stepping in to proclaim that they are Gods.


As time passed, there came to be a faction that felt uneasy about Earth humans having a larger brain capacity. This faction invented a few spies to check on the Earth humans in the attempt to thwart the Earth experiment. The name of that scientist who headed up the faction to interfere with the Earth experiment was named Lucifer. Not a devil, just another human being who wanted to see the Earth experiment end because it threatened them. Yahweh and Lucifer were basically enemies.

Several ancient texts contain different "plays" of extraterrestrial involvement on Earth. Krishna himself was an Elohim. When you read scripture, now you can see why these "Gods" act very much like human beings. Why do they have vengeance, and war? Because they are human! However, all these people made valuable contributions to the people of Earth.


Thank you Mataare for sharing this information with us.

Mataare, a full trance channel, can be contacted by e-mail. Send your message to:

Note: The channeling session lasted almost three hours. This is just a part of what was channeled. Please let me know if you would like to read more of this information in future months.



The Light Worker is a different breed than the person promoting

religion. The Light Worker seeks to inform the masses of their

own Divinity, or the Divinity available to them through their

recognition of the spiritual energy within, for

as entities discover they have a spiritual energy, they begin to

discover also a connection of that spiritual energy to the Divine Force

that permeates all things in the universe, and as entities discover

this, they begin to recognize "Who In Fact, They Really Are," and to

merge with that higher Divine Self so that they then become

self-educating and self-perpetuating spiritual explorers.

They explore the realm of the spiritual world simply because they know

that is part of themselves, and as they discover more about the

spiritual world they also discover more about themselves, and this

becomes a factor in the growth of entities so that eventually

these entities growing in spirit begin to recognize each other as also

part of that spirit, and as they grow more and more toward the

greater spirit and let go of their own lesser aspects of self, they

begin to recognize each other being is an aspect of their spiritual

self, and thus discover all are one in spirit.

Originally channeled information which was printed in "Cosmic Awareness":

Posted to the lightwork-l mail list by Julie Rose.


To contribute to this newsletter send e-mail to Andy Lutts at

The next issue will be mailed on or about January 15, 1996. Please e-mail me your written material to me by January 5. Material submitted early receives priority. Andy L.

Salem New Age Center - 95 Orne Street, Salem MA 01970 Tel. 508-741-4773


(Forward this newsletter to a friend. Hit the forward button of your e-mail program and type in a new recipient in the "TO:" section, and the "CC:" section too.)

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Coming up in the January '96 Newsletter

1) Ask The Walk In - a new monthly column. The Dear Abby of metaphysics.

2) Which came first - New Thought, New Age? Is anything really new?

3) Prophecy for 1996. A quick look at some predictions for 1996.

4) And much more! Send in your article now!

